Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tlhe Farmer Takes A Wife

One of the songs that we probably learned in elementary school was The Farmer In The Dell (https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6014279578600544084#editor/target=post;postID=6025605457651146501).  When we were in high school (in both buildings), the agriculture teacher and Future Farmers of America advisor was Mr. Jerome (Jake) Kleinsasser.  His first year at the high school was in 1953-54.  He would remain there until his retirement in 1983.  I believe he had a couple of sons that were a few years younger than we were.  He led a long and active life until passing away just about two years ago (http://rudesfuneralhome.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1782398).  He lived on Circle Drive.  A couple of other teachers, Harley Kabrud and "Lefty" Johnson were neighbors, as were Leibels and Kortans.  Stewart Walz lived just a half0block or so away. 

Recently, his wife Harriet passed away (http://rudesfuneralhome.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=2058621).  In my early years of teaching, and even during my stint as a student teacher while at SDSU, she was somewhat of a mentor to me.  In the newly created middle school in 1967, she taught both science and math to 6th graders.  As a student teacher in the fall of 1972, most of my classes were with the 6th grade science teacher, but an afternoon class was generally reserved for one of her math classes.  A few years later, when the 6th grade teacher retired, I was fortunate enough to take his place. All full-time teachers taught six class periods then, so my sole responsibilities were to try teach six classes of science.  Mrs. Kleinsasser had three math and three science classes, so we tried to coordinate our science classes as much as possible.  Her math colleague was Joyce Pedersen, whom some of us had for a 6th grade teacher in 1962-63.  She is the one in the back row on the left.  Can you identify the students?  My guess is at the end of this post.  Feel free to correct my mistakes. 

It appears that a number of 6th grade teachers in the newly formed middle school of 1967 were previously elementary teachers.  Some, like Miss Pedersen, came from either Central or Hillcrest; others had come from the rural schools that were closing.  Did Mrs. Kleinsasser teach at a rural school before her middle school tenure?  It never occurred to me to ask her that question when we taught together. 

I have been under the weather recently, so did not want to infect anybody by attending the visitation or the funeral.  Thoughts, prayers, and condolences go out to Mrs. Kleinsasser and her family. 

My take on the on the picture: 
Front row left to right:  Tom Salonen, David Hajek, David Helfinstine, Tom Madson
Second row:  Larry Boggs, Emmett Earley (who gave me this to copy), Dennis and Danny Kruse (?), Darwin Beynon, Larry Noland, Steve Wobbema (in front of Larry), Bob Lee, Jim Kortan (in front of Bob)
Third row:  Mary McMillan, Diane Heath, Barb Henry, Barb Allstot, Margaret Travis, Patsy McKeown
Fourth row:  Miss Pedersen, Iris Clauson, Nancy Webbenhurst, Marilyn Anderson

The only question marks are the twins.  Am very confident the others listed are correct.

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