Sunday, July 12, 2009

Class reunion

Hope that everyone had a good time during our reunion. It was wonderful seeing so many of our classmates and exchanging stories. Thanks to all who had a part in planning this memorable event. Hope we can do this again in five years.


  1. I, too, thought everyting went well: the gatherings at Robyn's house and at Skinner's: the bike ride and golf outings; lunch at Nick's and the tour of the high school; and especially the reunion itself at the VFW.

  2. It was a sweet time. I didn't join in all the activities but had a good time with what I did attend. It was especially nice that there were a variety of things to pick from. That was a great thought. You all did a great job of organizing it. Maybe we will find more classmates using this blog and oher systems. I know I have connected with a few on facebook. ~ Judy Workman Peterson

  3. There were some people I hoped to see there, but I've been out of touch enough that it's possible I did see them--and didn't know it.

    Could someone post one of the group pictures [I've no idea how to do that here or if it is possible] from the school tour and one from the VFW, and let the group identify who is who there? That could be fun as well as useful for those with pictures of their own to sort out.
    if anyone opts to contact me.

    Those who didn't make it but see the pictures can get a hoot out of it as well.

    I used my google account to get here, but would like to use my hotmail address (

  4. It keeps getting better as we all recognize how truly interesting each member of our class is. We now have a bond that defies cliques, athletic abilities, IQs, what side of town we are from, or any of the other ridiculous fences that were a part of adolescence. We scattered all over the country and world and came back to that one common denominator, the class of 1969. We really are great and fine! Let's hang on to that bond. Cheers and love to you all until we meet five years I hope. Paula Hoffman Platz
