Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Four More Flood Episodes

(Updated March 28, 2019)
The response to the article about the 1969 flood has been fantastic.  However, some people have been unable to respond to the group with their memories of the flood.  Evidently, their email providers do not allow them to send an email to a large group such as ours. If you are in that category, you can email your memories to us and we will forward them to the group and include them in the blog. Below are two (updated to three) memories of the spring of 1969.  


"I remember the flooding of 69 well, the Sioux River flooded and filled ditches between Brookings and Volga. Some of us guys would go out into that area and shoot carp swimming in the ditches."  Mark Kratochvil

"As I recall it snowed every day between Christmas and New Year's, at least several inches.
:I also recall the snow piled high at the intersections. Holly Buhholz was hit by a car as she drove her little VW Bug through an intersection and her leg was broken severely.

"When it melted and the Big Sioux flooded, I drove out toward Arlington to look at the water. The flood stretched to the horizon. Probably about a foot deep the whole way. I recall hearing "How High's the Water, Mama?" over the intercom at school."


"One thing I will never forget is the day the flood started. I was sitting on top of our haystack by the river watching as the water began to flow over the ice. This continued for some time until I heard what sounded like loud thunder coming from the north. It was an awesome site as the ice broke loose and popped to the surface . Within hours we were flooded. Something like that you remember forever."

Lynn Roberts

"I drove to Sioux Falls that spring to find the roads from the north completely blocked by flooding. I've never forgotten that education about the potential of nature, even the relatively small and friendly Sioux River. "

 Cynthia Larsen

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