Sunday, August 16, 2015

Another Addition To The High School

Our "new" high school is nearing its 50th anniversary.  If any of us have not visited it recently, we would hardly recognize it.  Additions in the past 20 years have practically doubled the area.  Not only are there new classrooms, there are new gymnasiums, locker rooms, lunchroom and commons area, and new administrative offices.  The parking lot has been reconfigured, with the parking spaces running north and south rather than east and west.  The front of the school is now the west side, rather than the east side as we remember it.

Another addition that is planned is the “Brookings High School Alumni Square” project.  According to a recent email, it  "will be located on the northwest corner of the Brookings High School campus.  The information about the project will be shared at upcoming class reunions and be promoted at events at the high school throughout the year.  There will also be a community campaign starting with a story about the project in the Brookings Register in August.  

Features in the square include: 

-          The red and black concrete Bobcat paw logo

-          The bell tower.  This will house the school bell that was found that was on the top of the 2nd school built in Brookings in 1888. (

-          The corner stone that will face the street running north of the high school “Brookings High School Alumni Square”

-          The tree that the class of 63 planted has been incorporated into the circle.  An additional tree will be planted to balance it. 

-          Two pillars will form the entry.  Vertical lettering on each pillar – Alumni on one, Square on the other. 

-          A polished granite reflection wall is at the back. 

-          Shrubs, benches, garbage cans etc. will be added. 

This a tremendous undertaking, but will be a great addition to the BHS campus and a great way for alumni to show their appreciation for their days at BHS.  The project is planned for completion in phases based on funding.  The first phase will be the bell-tower and the Bobcat paw. 

We are making every effort to get the word out about this project so please forward/share the brochure and pertinent information with friends and family that have a Brookings connection.  Don't get frustrated now.  Just keep reading and scrolling down.  Half of the brochure shows up next.  No idea why that is happening.  It is explained below. 

The Alumni Square Steering Committee from the Class of 1964

Van Fishback

Carol Kinney Hintz

Merri Lynn Schoepf Nelson

John Schultz
Anne Westbrook

 Below (and above; the picture kept moving around, and I could not "freeze" it) is a copy of the brochure that is being distributed to promote the Alumni Square Project. To view the entire page, see the hint below.

  When I view these document, only half shows up.  On my computer, to view the whole thing, I have to right-click on the image, then click on the View Image command.  
Don't know if that will work with anyone else.  When the Register runs the story, we will post it on here.

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