Thursday, February 4, 2016

Class Reunion

Our reunion committee has just met.  An email has been sent out to those for whom we have email addresses.  It appears that we will have an informal gathering Friday, July 15, at one of the local hotels.  We would like to reserve a block of rooms, so please let me or Paula (Hoffman) Platz know if you need a room (Paula's facebook page is listed below).  The summer arts festival will have been held a week previously, so we should have little difficulty finding rooms.

We thought the format we used a few years ago worked exceedingly well.  The informal gathering will be at the hotel, as mentioned above.  We did have a bike ride on Saturday morning last time, so we could arrange for that.  Those who want to ride would probably have to bring their own bike, although Sioux River Cyclery usually has some available for rent.  We also had a tour of the high school.  Those who were in attendance at our last reunion know that there have been numerous additions and changes since we graduated.  We could also probably arrange for a tour of the "old" high school.  The annex has been torn down, so all that remains is the original 1921 building.  In fact, that is what it is called, as it has been remodeled into apartments and offices.  The building is easily accessible during the day, usually opening around 8:00 AM and closing around 5:00 PM. 

There is an excellent nature park on the south edge of town.  There are some ponds, bike trails, and an outdoor center with canoe and kayak rental.  If you are able to find time, it is a great place for walking, biking, or just plain sightseeing. 

The "official" reunion and birthday party will take place on Saturday, July 16, 2016, at one of the local establishments.  We can reserve the entire facility so that there will be no distractions.  The menu will consist of hors d'oeuvres,  with various beverages also available.  There will be no formal program, and we will try to put together a display of some of the more memorable moments of our high school days.  We especially want to remember those classmates who are no longer with us.  If you have any items, such as pictures, record albums, books, newspaper clippings, etc.,  that you think might contribute to this display, and don't mind bringing it along, and aren't embarrassed to bring it along, feel free to show it off.  We also expect that any teachers still living in the area will be in attendance.  Don't let their presence, though, prevent you from coming.  Now that we are older, they are quite enjoyable people to know.  

We would like to touch base with every one of our classmates, but we are missing a number of addresses.  If you know any of those missing addresses, please let us know.  Paula (Hoffman) Platz has a facebook page: Brookings High School Class of 1969 Rockin' Reunion 2016   If you can help us out with locating those missing classmates, do not hesitate to pass that information along.  Our goal is to contact everyone in the class, and invite them for a chance to meet up with old classmates.  For some reason, many people shy away from an event such as this.  Perhaps you can be the one to convince them that a reunion can be a truly enjoyable and memorable occasion.  Additionally, if you know anyone who attended school with us but moved before graduation, please forward that information to us so that we can invite them.  We kindly thank those of you who have already done this charitable and generous deed.  

We want this reunion to be simple, modest, and enjoyable for all.  If you have any suggestions that will contribute to this goal, do not hesitate to make them known to us.


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