Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Remembering Carol

We were all saddened this past August that a week after our reunions on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of that month, our beloved classmate Carol (Bork) Johnson passed on August 17 (https://brookingsregister.com/stories/carol-johnson,113358?)  She had planned to attend the festivities, but her health made it impossible for her to be there and enjoy the friendship of her classmates and others who graduated from BHS in the 1960's. 

Even though Carol attended Hillcrest, some of whose students I never met until Junior High, I knew of Carol from catechism class in elementary school, as we both attended St. Thomas More.  Her brother Bob was on our Little League baseball during one or two of those years.  If memory serves me correctly, he was a fine player.  He was one of the better outfielders in the league.  In Little League in those days, the more skilled players usually played in the infield.  Those with less skill usually played in the outfield.  Consequently, there were few outfielders who could actually catch a fly ball.  Bob, though, possessed fine skills, and caught just about everything that was hit his way.  He was really an asset on our team.  Many times he prevented the opposition from scoring numerous runs by catching fly balls that would have been missed by most players.  Her brother Colin was a few years younger than we were, graduating in 1976.  He was an extremely talented golfer.  The 1975 annual states "BHS Golfers Rate Number One Seat (sic) in State."  (Should that have been "Number One Seed"?) The 1976 annual notes "The boy golfers won at the ESD and Regional meets and took second at the State Tourney."  I also believe Colin had much success after high school, and placed high in some of the state amateur tournaments in South Dakota.  One of our classmates indicated that he ran into Colin at a golf qualifier in Utah a few years ago.  

 As one our classmates commented, "Carol was so smart and talented in so many ways."  In Junior High, she was in the so-called "honors" class.  (I think that "Lefty" Johnson was opposed to such classes, and eventually did away with them a few years afterward).  Other classmates were also generous in praise of Carol. 

Carol's parents were well-known in the community, and lived long, productive, and exemplary lives.  Her mother Bonney was a nurse who helped deliver many babies in her 40 year career at the hospital. (https://www.rudesfuneralhome.com/obituary/bonney-bork) Her father Les was a respected and popular audio-visual instructor at SDSU. (https://www.rudesfuneralhome.com/obituary/6111276

Our condolences and prayers go out to Bob and Colin at the loss of their sister Carol.     

Friday, November 22, 2024

November 22

 Today is Friday, November 22, 2024.  61 years ago to the day, November 22, 1963, was also a Friday.  Almost everyone who was alive that day remember what happened around 12:30 PM Central time.  We were in 7th grade, and had just come back to our first class in the afternoon when we heard the news that President Kennedy had been shot.  I believe he was declared dead at 1:00.  The nation suffered a tragic loss, and still today questions remain as to who actually assassinated him.  

On a brighter note, our class has reasons to celebrate.  Recently, Nanette Schroeder (on the left) was one of the costume winners at the Brookings Activity Center Halloween party.  As one our classmates said, "She looks as beautiful as ever." The other winners were Cindy Fernholz, Theresa Bennett, and Carmen Niemeyer.  (https://brookingsregister.com/stories/october-a-busy-month-at-brookings-activity-center,104941)

Nanette stays quite active in the community.  SDSU has had a a beautiful indoor track and field facility since about 2014.  I have seen Nanette working the ticket counter at many of those meets.  She is also involved in many other volunteer activities that provide assistance to the people in town.  

Another classmate who has connections to an honored employee is Stew Linn.  His sister Sandy was recently name SDSU employee of the month (https://brookingsregister.com/stories/sandra-linn-named-sdsu-employee-of-month,112186)

Our classmate Patty Vick worked alongside Sandy at the Briggs Library.  My connections with the local running group "Prairie Striders" stretches back to its origin in 1969, so it was gratifying to see that Sandy has a close relationship with that respected organization.  She also served as the point person for processing, binding and cataloging a large donation — 17 boxes — of magazines and journals to be added to the Prairie Striders Running Club Library,” Biondo said. (Michael Biondo, electronic resources and scholarly communications librarian.)

Our congratulations to Nanette and Sandy for their outstanding contributions.